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One of life’s happiest days, the marriage is also accompanied by a wide range of celebrations and customs. The wedding day is jam-packed with activities and traditions, particularly in the Balkans place, that continue to this day.

Many of these festivals were once linked to beliefs that guard against demons and evil spirits that could cause misery to a happy pair. The bride and groom macedonian brides were shielded from these divine power throughout the entire wedding ceremony by numerous parts.

For instance, the bride’s mother used to produce wheat food and then anoint her daughter-in-law with fruit the following time to wish them happiness, adore, and a long life together. To ward off poor fortune, it was another custom to put a parsley sprig on the couple’s scalp.

The comb and plaiting rite, also known as » Kolaanja, » is another tradition from Kosovo. This significant ceremony is carried out solely by women and is accompanied by tunes that are specifically dedicated to it. The groom is then shaved. The groom’s mother is also subjected to the same treatment. This is unquestionably a crucial component of the wedding planning.

The most common ceremony custom in the area is probably licking honies from the bride’s mother-in-law. There are numerous various wedding rituals in this area. This is thought to ensure the child’s financial security and success.

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